Demand Brightline’s Deception Be Investigated Now

STORY UPDATE: The hearing that Congressman Mast requested in February will take place on Thursday, April 19th at 10:00 a.m. in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building.  Link to recorded video in middle of web page:

“Despite their claims to the contrary, Brightline has pursued public, taxpayer-funded financing,” Rep. Mast said. “Taxpayers deserve the truth about who is paying for Brightline, and our community deserves answers about why they are refusing to address critical safety and economic concerns.”

Join Congressman Mast’s Fight To Defund Brightline

Congressman Brian Mast says Brightline has shown consistent dishonesty and deception in its business practices. Also, in its first week of service, Brightline was involved in the deaths of two Florida citizens.

Now, Brightline is seeking public funding for Phase Two from West Palm Beach to Orlando. By claiming the service is a “highway” rather than a passenger rail train, they seek to distort and circumvent current statutory regulations for use of public funds. To Brian Mast, this is an example of Brightline’s “ongoing efforts to mislead the public.”

Congressman Mast is demanding a Federal hearing for a closer examination of Brightline’s funding. Express your opinion by sending a letter to Representative Mark Meadows, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Governmental Operations and the subcommittee members.


We must put an end to the dishonesty, deception and deaths Brightline has brought to Florida. Follow Congressman Mast’s lead. Demand an investigation now.