Urge Gov. DeSantis to Veto HB 7103

Martin County has a well thought out Comprehensive Plan for future growth. State officials are actively working to hijack all growth planning from local authorities.

From our Colleagues at 1000 Friends of Florida:

Governor DeSantis

One of the most damaging pieces of legislation passed during the 2019 Florida Legislative Session – HB 7103 – eviscerates the ability of Floridians to challenge decisions on growth in their communities.   Please call Gov. DeSantis during business hours at (850) 717-9337, reach him via email at www.flgov.com/email-the-governor/ , or Tweet @GovRonDeSantis and URGE HIM TO VETO HB 7103 TO PROTECT FLORIDA’S ENVIRONMENT AND QUALITY OF LIFE FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS.

As Florida’s rate of growth returns to close to historic levels of a thousand new residents a day and toxic algae continues to choke its once pristine waterways, the Legislature turned the clock back on managing the impacts of growth. In the final hours of the 2019 session, the Legislature swiftly and without any public input passed HB 7103. Under its provisions anyone who challenges a development proposal and loses must automatically pay for the prevailing party’s attorney fees, leaving citizens understandably reluctant to challenge well-funded local governments and developers.

The citizen challenge is the only tool left to enforce local comprehensive plans. In addition to gutting this enforcement measure, the bill also requires new towns to favor developer interests over citizen input and restricts local governments’ ability to require affordable housing in new development.