If you missed the public workshop on March 23, 2022 on the proposed “Rural Lifestyle Amendment,” you can now view the video recording provided by Indian River State College.
If approved, the Rural Lifestyle designation would amend Martin County’s Comprehensive Growth Management Plan to create a new future land use designation.
No date has been set for the next hearing on the Rural Lifestyle Amendment by the Board of Martin County Commissioners.
The recorded video is 2 hours and 15 minutes. You can watch the video in your browser and fast forward to specific comments or presentations using the time listed to the left of each speaker.
Watch the video here: (Link from Indian River State College)
Rural Lifestyle Workshop Video
Welcome and Opening Remarks:
1:45 Peter H. Conze, Jr.
Introduction of Presenters:
5:35 Greg Braun
The Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process:
09:58 – 25:00 Nicki van Vonno
Proposed Rural Lifestyle Amendment:
28:20 – 57:20 Clyde Dulin
59:40 – 01:18:25 Morris Crady
The Becker/Discovery Land Proposal:
01:25:00 – 01:54:20 Tom Hurley, Rick Melchiori, Steve Adelson
Rural Land Development Trends on the Treasure Coast:
01:55:45 – 02:10:00 Tom Lanahan
Download the workshop Agenda:
Agenda – Rural Lifestyle Amendment Workshop – final
View or Download all workshop Presentations (Martin County website)
Rural Workshop Presentations
Read the UPDATED Staff Report on the proposed amendment to the Martin County Comprehensive Plan:
View the Discovery Master Site Plan:
Martin County Development Review:
LPA Final Agenda
LPA Agenda 4-7-22
Additional documents related to the Planned Unit Development aspect of the project can be downloaded from:
Read a collective list of questions and answers:
Rural Lifestyle Q & A
You can continue to submit questions and comments: