Mike Conner: Sending a little ‘shared adversity’ to South Florida Water Management District, Army Corps of Engineers


Mike Conner, Stuart, is a charter fishing guide and editor of Fly & Light Tackle Angler magazine who hopes his charter business can survive here.  “It doesn’t figure that there is a clear, subtropical bay in a county of millions of people, and a relative cesspool runs through little old Martin County, does it? But that is the reality, and it’s punching us in the face as the South Florida Water Management District and Army Corps of Engineers again open the sludge gates.”

Mike moved here from the fish laden, beautiful clear waters of  Miami 13 years ago where his biggest concern was how the weather would be as he took his clients out to fish.  Moving from what he calls the “sprawling megalopolis” of the  Miami area, he never realized our far less populated community of Martin County would have waters that were so putrid, it could not support his fishing charter business.  He is hoping his business can survive by suggesting to his clients that he take them to fish somewhere else, such as Flamingo in Everglades National Park and Biscayne Bay, 176 and 132 miles away, respectively.  But, realistically he doesn’t believe too many clients will want to leave their families 12-14 hours a day to go fish so far away.

Mike has a Plan B – invoice those responsible!  For the whole story please visit:
