Lake O Reservoir Plan submitted to Army Corps of Engineers


Lake Okeechobee

Algae bloom in
Lake Okeechobee
July 2016

Plans for a reservoir to help cut Lake Okeechobee discharges are now in the Army Corps of Engineers’ hands, and members of Florida’s congressional delegation are asking for quick approval.

The plan submitted Monday by the South Florida Water Management District includes a:

  • 23-foot-deep, 10,100-acre reservoir to store up to 78.2 billion gallons of excess lake water
  • 6,500-acre man-made marsh to clean the water before it’s sent south to Everglades National Park and Florida Bay.

Also on Monday, both of Florida’s U.S. senators and 14 Congress members signed a letter asking the head of the Corps to “coordinate an expedited review of the proposal” so the project can be added to federal water projects being considered by Congress in fall.

Read the rest of the story here: