In the News

Commentary: Demand that Scott, Legislature restore Florida’s rivers

The following article is written by Bob Graham, former Florida governor and U.S. senator along with Nathaniel P. Reed, former assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior & ...

Floridian Golf Club’s developers will proceed with waterfront homes plan

Martin County Commissioners voted 3-2 in favor of denying a rehearing of the development plan to build a series of waterfront homes 25 feet off the shore of the C-23 canal. ...

Why “The Guardians” support revising the Martin County Comprehensive Plan

Peter H. Conze, Jr., President of "The Guardians of Martin County" urges Martin County Commissioners on February 12th, 2013 to approve the proposed revisions to the Comp Plan. Mr. Conze ...

Lake Point sues Martin County in dispute over mining operation

Lake Point files a lawsuit against Martin County, accusing the County of breaking an agreement to allow rock mining on the 2,200-acre Lake Point property and interfering with a $1.5 ...

Martin County Commissioners question value of Lake Point Restoration project

Martin County Commissioners are asking tough questions about the benefits of investing considerable amounts of money into the proposed Lake Point Restoration stormwater facility. Read the article here:

Opinion Article: Hobe Grove Developers Push for Residential Capacity Analysis

The Vice-President of Coventry Development Corp., the company that manages the Hobe Grove project urges Martin County to complete a residential capacity analysis in this opinion article on TC ...

Environmental group wants plan to eliminate, not reduce, Lake O discharges into St. Lucie Estuary

The goal of CEEP  is “to reduce the flow to the east (the St. Lucie Estuary) and west (the Caloosahatchee River) and send more water to the south, to the ...

Hobe Grove developers want housing update

Officials with the controversial proposed Hobe Grove development asked Thursday that their project’s application be put on hold until Martin County staff produces a required up-to-date housing analysis.  The development on 2,823 ...

Ginny and Howard’s Blog – Rich Campbell’s Muse

Rich Campbell has been taking advice on government transparency and protecting the environment from Doug Smith, producing a column on the Jensen Beach mooring field which might as well have ...