In the News

K.C. Traylor: Message comes from suffering Mother River on her deathbed

K.C. TraylorBoard of DirectorsThe Guardians of Martin County Column written by K.C. Traylor who lives in Palm City and is on the board of The Guardians of Martin County. ...

Environmentalist Maggy Hurchalla on the Water Crisis

Please check out Former Martin County Commissioner and environmentalist Maggy Hurchalla's new website created to share information about the pollution in the St. Lucie and Indian River Lagoon.

Hundreds of protesters rally in U.S. Sugar’s hometown

The Guardians of Martin County are proud to support this historic and unifying rally as our water ways are the lifeblood of our businesses and community.  The following is coverage ...

Palm Beach Post Editorial: Keep Everglades restoration a hot item

BY RANDY SCHULTZ - EDITOR OF THE EDITORIAL PAGE Suddenly, saving the St. Lucie River and restoring the Everglades have buzz. Lots of it. One week ago, state Sen. Joe ...

SFWMD list of action items promised to Sen. Negron

The Guardians have obtained a copy of the SFWMD list of action items that can be undertaken within the next 60-120 days to help reduce the flow of water to ...

Ginny and Howard’s blog – Please urge support of our Comprehensive Plan Amendments!

Last week, Martin County transmitted the Comprehensive Plan Amendments that were adopted by the BOCC to the Department of Economic Opportunity for final review. The Amendments were adopted on August ...

Chairwoman Sarah Heard’s comments to the the Select Committee on Indian River Lagoon and Lake Okeechobee Basin

Read the comments that Chairwoman Heard presented to Sen. Negron's Select Committee on the Indian River Lagoon and Lake Okeechobee Basin.  Chairwoman Heard provided solutions that already exist to reverse the ...

Governor Scott’s Letter to Army Corps of Engineers and Col. Dodd’s response

Tuesday, Aug. 20 Governor Rick Scott sent the below and attached letter to Brigadier General Donald E. Jackson of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division regarding the Lake ...

Mr. Nathaniel Reed’s letter to Sen. Negron that was published in the Stuart News on Sunday, Aug 18

Mr. Nathaniel Reed serves on the Advisory Board of The Guardians of Martin County and has provided us with a copy of his letter to Sen. Negron that was published ...