The Guardians of Martin County are aware that the public hearing on December 5th regarding the Calusa Ranch Comp Plan Amendments is a Transmittal Hearing, and that the FL Dept. of Economic Opportunity and other state agencies will be given time to review and comment on the project before it comes back to the County for a potential Adoption Hearing. Questions that we have about the project that we hope you will share with the commissioners, include:
The Review Process 1. Why is there a perceived rush to get the project approved, and what considerations have been made regarding the timing in relation to public awareness and engagement? Water and Environmental Impact: 3. Without requiring water quality monitoring, how can the public be assured that converting low-impact cattle rangeland to a development with homes, golf courses, cottages, and support facilities will not further degrade the quality of our surface waters? Infrastructure and Services: 7. Without having details for the multi-slip docking facility, it is impossible to determine the extent to which the project is consistent (or not) with the County’s Manatee Protection Plan, and it’s associated Boat Facility Siting Plan, and how that element of the project aligns with other environmental conservation efforts. Community Impact: 9. What assessments have been made regarding the potential increase in traffic on Kanner Highway and its impact on the community? Conservation and Open Lands: 11. We believe that the requirement for a conservation easement or agricultural easement (with a third party easement holder) was a valuable addition to the off-site component of Rural Lifestyle projects that exceed a density of 1 unit/20 acres. As described in the Guardians Position Paper on Golf Courses proposed outside the Urban Service Districts (which was transmitted as an attachment to our comments for the LPA mtg. at which the Calusa Ranch project was considered), we urge the County to require a conservation easement or agricultural easement that will apply to the undeveloped portions of the Calusa Ranch property that will not be protected by a PAMP. Additionally, we are interested in understanding how the proposed development aligns with other components of the existing Rural Lifestyle Regulations and the character of the surrounding area, particularly when it abuts Pal-Mar’s “Chimney” to the west. Please join the Guardians, 1,000 Friends of Florida, and others in urging county commissioners to either deny the requested amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, or continue the transmittal hearing to a later date to give the applicant and the community the opportunity to discuss refinements that would address concerns about water quality, economic issues, wildlife corridors and land conservation. Please attend the County Commission meeting on Dec 5th at 2401 SE Monterey Rd – rally beginning at 8:15, public comment soon after the meeting starts at 9 AM. If you can’t attend in person, you can email all the commissioners at: |