Guardians’ Urge Governor to Veto Harmful Legislation

Update: June 16, 2020:
Senate Bill 410 has been transmitted to the Governor.  If you haven’t done so already, please sign the petition (link above) urging our Governor to veto the legislation.

Read Our Letter to Governor DeSantis

In Martin County, we recognize how essential it is to have a strong comprehensive plan in place when it comes to growth management. That’s what protects our “Martin County Difference.”

We join with 1000 Friends of Florida, urging Governor DeSantis to veto Senate Bill 410, which would undermine local comprehensive planning that protects rural lands in dozens of counties across Florida.

Among other effects, SB 410 will:

  • Clear the way for high-density development in designated rural areas, such as the rural area approved by Seminole County voters in 2004.
  • Require every local government in Florida to include an unnecessary property rights element in its comprehensive plan which will be costly to prepare and unnecessary because it duplicates already-existing state and federal laws.
  • Override county limits on development, subjecting our communities and natural lands and waters to damaging impacts.

Ways to Reach Governor DeSantis:

Sign an online petition by clicking the blue link below:
(Link takes you to the 1000 Friends of Florida website.)

Email Governor Desantis:
Phone: (850) 717-9337